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HomeDerby Rules

June 15, 2024 Trout Derby Rules

Registration. Click here to register now with credit card.  Or, register with cash/check in person at Renton Chapter Meetings. For in-person registration, print form from the Trout Derby/Registration Tab.  If you register on line your printed confirmation email will be your derby ticket.

Fees.  Derby tickets cost $25 per person.  Tickets are free to anglers 16 years old or younger.

Tickets.  All persons in the boat must have a confirmation Derby ticket or email prior to fishing.  All Derby ticket holders are eligible to fish and win prizes, including PSA members, Derby staff and/or sponsor staff, and guests.  You must purchase a ticket, no later than 2 PM on June 14 (online), before fishing in the derby.

Fishing.  All contestants must abide by all Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife, Coast Guard, and other applicable rules and regulations.  Fishing is limited to Lake Washington and only rainbow and/or cutthroat trout may be entered.  Note:  WDFW Regulations – Lake Washington Mar.1-June 30 Min. size 12”. Daily limit 5.  Release all STEELHEAD/RAINBOW TROUT over 20” and Kokanee/Sockeye over 18”. Note:  Coast Guard Regulations - All children 12 and under must wear a PFD (Life Jacket).

Fishing Hours.   The Derby runs Saturday, June 15, daylight until 2 pm.  The awards ceremony begins at 2:30 pm on Saturday at the Atlantic City Boat Launch.

Day of Derby Information.  Call John at (206-719-6524).

Submitting Fish.  Contestants must have a confirmation email or derby ticket before entering a legal fish in the Derby.  Each contestant must play and weigh-in his or her own fish within official Derby hours.  Fish must be turned in to the official Derby drop-off station at Atlantic City Boat Launch from 12 pm to 2 pm.  Land at the dock by 2 PM and a Derby official will log in each catch.  All fish will be tagged and iced and held by Derby officials until the awards ceremony.  Ties will be decided by length of fish.  Fish will be marked at the weigh-in.  All fish must be whole and fresh caught and may not be altered in any way.  Any fish showing signs of having been altered, frozen or in any way unnaturally preserved will be disqualified.  All fish are subject to inspection, including cleaning, at official’s discretion. 

Awards Ceremony.   The Awards Ceremony will start at 2:30 pm at the Atlantic City Boat Launch.

ALL PRIZES AND FISH SHOULD BE PICKED UP at the awards ceremony.  Don't forget a plastic bag or cooler to transport your fish home.

Aquatic Invasive Species Decontamination Statement. If your boat, trailer, engine, or any water containers that you will use during this fishing contest has been in physical contact with any waters outside of Washington State in the 30 days prior to the contest you will have to complete a decontamination report prior to participating. Call/email John Vraspir for report form.